Yogic Llama

Yoga for your life.

Visit my gallery just to see yoga poses!

Who is Stewart?

  • Software Engineer

    Former Software Developer - C++, C# and Python. Former CTO. Now Technical Manager at a non-profit, leading development of widely used scientific software. Too much time sitting and looking at screens.

  • Yogi

    Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200). Community Ninja with Yogi Flight School. Addicted to Pincha Mayurasana. Not enough time sitting and looking into self.

Yoga for Software Engineers

As software engineers we spend too long sitting at our desks, hunched over our keyboards and gazing at our glowing screens.  That's not good for either our bodies or our brains - and we know it.

This is the cause of poor posture, sore backs, strained eyes, social anxiety, aching wrists, but we are doing what we love in creating fantastic software. What if there was a simple and fun way to reverse the effects of our desk-bound lifestyles?

Yoga provides a variety of simple practices specifically for people like you and me to live a more healthy and fulfilling life!

Poor posture, sore back, strained eyes, social anxiety, aching wrists, begone! Yoga provides tools and techniques suitable for software engineers, programmers, and other dedicated keyboard ninjas.


Please complete my survey on Software Engineer Well-Being. 🙏